(grey wolf)
RED WOLF: The red wolf can only be found in Texas and the southeastern
United States. Red wolves usually grow to about 6.5 feet long, and
weigh around 175 pounds. Solitary wolves may take birds, rabbits,
and other small mammals. Packs can take down prey as large as reindeer
and caribou. When no prey can be found, wolves may feed on the dead
carcasses of other animals. They have also been known to eat berries.
Due to massive over hunting, only an estimated 125 red wolves remain in
the wild.

GIANT ARMADILLO: The giant armadillo is related to anteaters
and sloths. They can grow to about 3 feet long, excluding the tail.
They have hard, bony plates along their body. These plates help protect
them from many predators. Despite having very short legs, the giant
armadillo can move with amazing speed. They can burro very quickly
with their strong legs and sharp claws. They are endangered because
of over hunting and habitat