BENGAL TIGER:  Male tigers of this species can grow up to 10 feet long from head to tail, and weigh 575 pounds.  Bengal tigers are classified endangered because of a 50% decline in population due to a loss of habitat.  This order consists of 8 subspecies distinguished by the color of their coats.  The unique stripes of camouflage on their sleek bodies enable them to blend in with their savanna/grassland habitat and sneak up on unsuspecting prey.  But camouflage is no match for the human hunter.  Bengal tigers are poached for their unique striped coats.

    SIBERIAN TIGER:  siberian tigers are the largest cat in the world.  They can sometimes way up to 1000 pounds.  They range from 5 to 8 feet long.  Tragically, these majestic animals are being threatened by poaching.  With only 200 mature adults in the wild, siberian tigers are listed as critically endangered.  Their thick siberian fur, which protects them from their harsh environment, doesn't protect them from being picked off by poachers.